The concept of Veteran Excursions started circa 2017 when I realized my current deployment schedule and work pace had an end date (Getting old perhaps?). For my personal sanity and well being I knew I needed to stay active with my veteran brothers. I recognized many veterans dealing with this same dilemma, feeling they have lost their identity, trying to integrate into a new lifestyle, desperately trying to find their purpose again… After over 34 years of service to this great nation there had to be a way I could stay in the fight. I felt like I still had a lot to offer.  

Growing up in Western Colorado I learned to appreciate what Mother Nature had to offer. White Water Rafting, 4X4 challenge trails, backpacking, camping, mountain biking, skiing, fly fishing or horseback trips had one thing in common for me. It helped me hit my mental reset button. After a long deployment or strenuous times at the office nothing was more therapeutic than putting in on a raft on the Colorado River and allowing Mother Nature to take her course. It didn’t take long for me to be able to put things back into perspective once I was in the canyon. Sharing these experiences with my brothers was some of the best mental rehab I could ask for.

  After this experience, and being fully aware of the internal enemy our Veterans are dealing with once they return home, I wanted to offer this Mother Nature therapy to those in need and maybe help them on their way to recovery. I know what it’s done for me and I believe it can do the same for others.

After our inaugural whitewater rafting trip in June of 2018 (Which was more successful than we ever imagined), we realized we could offer more than river trips. We had a lifetime of experience in the outdoors and we just need to tap into it. I’ve reached out to the best the Whitewater rafting and 4×4 off road recovery industries had to offer and they have answered the call. With this level of expertise We’re sure to provide the best possible product and we’re looking forward to sharing Veteran Excursions with as many brothers and sisters as we can. This only the beginning of an awesome journey!